
Used for the loading status of a page or a block.
Importimport{ Spin }from"antd";

When To Use

When part of the page is waiting for asynchronous data or during a rendering process, an appropriate loading animation can effectively alleviate users' inquietude.


A simple loading status.

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Loading state:

Embedding content into Spin will set it into loading state.

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Loading state:

Specifies a delay for loading state. If spinning ends during delay, loading status won't appear.

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Show the progress. When percent="auto" is set, an indeterminate progress will be displayed.

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A small Spin is used for loading text, default sized Spin for loading a card-level block, and large Spin used for loading a page.

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Customize the description text.

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Use custom loading indicator.

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The fullscreen mode is perfect for creating page loaders. It adds a dimmed overlay with a centered spinner.

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Common props ref:Common props

delaySpecifies a delay in milliseconds for loading state (prevent flush)number (milliseconds)-
fullscreenDisplay a backdrop with the Spin componentbooleanfalse5.11.0
indicatorReact node of the spinning indicatorReactNode-
percentThe progress percentage, when set to auto, it will be an indeterminate progressnumber | 'auto'-5.18.0
sizeThe size of Spin, options: small, default and largestringdefault
spinningWhether Spin is visiblebooleantrue
tipCustomize description content when Spin has childrenReactNode-
wrapperClassNameThe className of wrapper when Spin has childrenstring-

Static Method

  • Spin.setDefaultIndicator(indicator: ReactNode)

    You can define default spin element globally.

Design Token

Component TokenHow to use?

Token NameDescriptionTypeDefault Value
contentHeightHeight of content areastring | number400
dotSizeLoading icon sizenumber20
dotSizeLGLarge loading icon sizenumber32
dotSizeSMSmall loading icon sizenumber14

Global TokenHow to use?